Manic Monday

How does the song go –

            Six o’clock already
            I was just in the middle of a dream

Yep, that was me – right in the middle of a dream, when I should have been up getting the day going. As it happened, I didn’t actually rise until 7:30, which is the time the girl Crazy is supposed to be in orchestra class. Needless to say she didn’t make it. I would love to say the rest of the morning improved, but I don’t want to lie to you. Sunday night I put clean jeans into the dryer so the boy Crazys would have clothes for school, unbeknownst to me the dryer died and the jeans were still wet, so I had to pull semi-clean ones out of the Mountain and hoped they didn’t smell too bad. Mondays are the day I take the hubby’s suits and shirts to the cleaners. I had hoped he had them ready for me, but no, they were sharing space with his socks (for more info on this see Take Them to the Mountain). There was no coffee in the pot, my hair was flat, I felt fat, and I was running late to the oldest boy Crazys class, the first stop on my Monday volunteering marathon. Monday was not looking good.

On the way to school I was in my minivan sipping my Starbucks and having a pity party, when This Is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli came on the radio.

            This is the stuff that drives me crazy
            This is the stuff that’s getting to me lately
            In the middle of my little mess
            I forget how big I’m blessed

            This is the stuff that gets under my skin
            But I gotta trust You know exactly what You’re doing
            It might not be what I would choose
            But this is the stuff You use     

I kid you not, at that very moment the sun came up. It had been an overcast morning but now the sun was up and all of fall was showing its glory. Beautiful colors of red, yellow and purple everywhere. All the stress of my country western song morning had just rolled right off and I realized that sure I might have some stresses, but when it all comes down to it, I am truly blessed. The rest of the day I continued to notice all those beautiful colors God paints our world with and I just had to smile. When I finally made it to the boy Crazys class, he and all his classmates gave me a very warm welcome and later at school I ran into my friend Kristin who told me she had been reading the blog and felt like I was having a conversation with her every time she read it (what I was going for), little did they know they had been part of my Sonshine (not a typo).

Monday had definitely improved. The dryer is still broken, but hey, now I get to go shopping for new clothes – we’re going to need something to wear. Shh, don’t tell the hubby.

So, I leave you with this: As you live your adventure today, try to remember all the ways you are blessed and enjoy the Sonshine.

About littlehouseonthepond

Welcome to Little House On the Pond, you can call me Heidi. I am a daughter of The King. I'm married and I'm mommy to three great kids. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen- cooking & baking, I garden, I do crafts, and I read a lot. I'm living this great adventure called life and would love for you to come along for the ride.
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1 Response to Manic Monday

  1. My oldest wears pants out of the dirty basket more often then I will probably admit. Part of it is the same mountain problem that you have; they are on the floor and do not get washed.

    That song is one of my favorite songs. I feel like it’s my theme song for life. I’m glad God was able to change your perspective on the day. =)

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